Version 1.0.0-beta.2

1.0.0-beta.2 only contains two changes:

  • :bug:/:package: PhotoStructure for Node’s now works under bash, Cygwin, and from Git for Windows

  • :package: Timeouts are now configurable (because what PhotoStructure really needed was MOAR SETTINGS). The defaults are the same as before, but those of you with 10+ external volumes or (very eh, lethargic?) HDDs can now double or triple these timeouts.

For PhotoStructure for Node users, you’ll need to manually run the following in your photostructure-for-servers directory to upgrade:

git stash -u
git checkout beta
git pull

Installation/upgrade instructions for other editions are here.

Please reply if things don’t work–or if they do!

Confirming a seamless, problem-free in-app update from Beta 1 to Beta 2 on MacOS Big Sur :partying_face:

Potential bug to replicate: Close app window. Clicking the Dock icon to open back up does nothing. Single clicking on Menu Bar icon shows menu, or double clicking Menu Bar icon brings back up the home screen.

Thanks for reporting: I’ll poke at that and see what I can do.

Logs of an error on beta.2, in case its useful. The scan stopped, then when docker restart, it began from beginning again

photostructure_1 | Computing SHA of (42%)
photostructure_1 | Computing SHA of (88%)
photostructure_1 | Copying (100%)
photostructure_1 | Copying (100%)
photostructure_1 | Copying (100%)
photostructure_1 | Copying (100%)
photostructure_1 | Copying (100%)
photostructure_1 | Computing SHA of (46%)
photostructure_1 | Please wait, setting up…
photostructure_1 | Copying (100%)
photostructure_1 | Computing SHA of (93%)
photostructure_1 | PhotoStructure is ready: http://localhost:1787/
photostructure_1 | {“fatal”:true,“exit”:true,“status”:12,“pid”:20,“ppid”:8,“error”:“ChildService(sync).onStdout(): Error: ChildService(sync).onStdout()Failed to write to the library database: DbRequest {"method":"run","sql":"insert into Heartbeat (createdAt, name, updatedAt) values (?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET updatedAt=excluded.updatedAt","bind…”}
photostructure_1 |
photostructure_1 | Shutting down PhotoStructure…
photostructure_1 | Verifying & backing up /ps/tmp/local-db/models/db.sqlite3…
photostructure_1 | PhotoStructure library db has been backed up to /ps/library/.photostructure/models/backup.
photostructure_1 | Upgrading your library database…
photostructure_1 | PhotoStructure is ready: http://localhost:1787/