Error when using docker run photostructure/server photostructure info

Ah: I should clarify those docs!

docker run spins up a new docker container, and that container won’t have the volume bind mounts that you set up for your library. Some commands, like list, must have access to your library to do their work.

You can spin up a shell within your current photostructure docker container, though, with docker exec -it $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID sh and do commands like info, logcat, and logtail. Use docker ps to get either the “Container ID” or the “Name”: both will work for docker exec.

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                             PORTS                    NAMES
7a86568eef7e   photostructure/server:alpha   "/sbin/tini -- /ps/a…"   15 seconds ago   Up 14 seconds (health: starting)>1787/tcp   psdc_photostructure_1
7b1b4377eea3   containrrr/watchtower         "/watchtower --inter…"   8 days ago       Up 14 seconds                      8080/tcp                 psdc_watchtower_1

$ docker exec -it 7a865 sh

/ps/app # ./photostructure info --version

Edit: added error and link to the PhotoStructure Tools page.