QNAP install video using Docker?

yes, those logs were SQLITE_CORRUPT issues. If you recall, we initially suspected an unraid issue, but then I reproduced on ubuntu server. If you need me to re-re-re-produce and get fresh logs, let me know! Happy to do whatever to get to the bottom of it

@mrm sorry, I misread your question. Do you want new logs? Or the full debug logs I have sent you by DM previously suffice?

I believe I’ve reviewed all the logs you’ve (graciously!) shared with me, and couldn’t find a smoking gun. Ideally (like what we’ve discussed previously): there’d be some set of discrete steps I could apply on my own hardware that reproduces the issue.

How big is the library you’re importing? Are there a mix of photos and videos? HEIC/HEVC? How soon into the import do you see the corruption issue?

My library has 22k files or so, photos and videos. Yes, I have HEIC.
The corruption happens pretty quickly - less than an hour maybe? I didn’t exactly time it.
You might also recall from discord that when I set PS_DB_BACKUP_INTERVAL_MINUTES to a large value, that seemed to delay the error long enough that the initial imported completed. That’s the best hint I could find.

Happy to run a dev build with additional instrumentation if needed… Also, would SQL log help? I thought there was a setting for sql logs that is above and beyond what is in debug?

EDIT: well, I just noticed that the fresh install I did to record the video actually completed all the way without error. So no idea :person_shrugging:

Success :wink:

4 ordinary pictures, however, are still not imported.

I’d check your sync report to track down which files are missing. If you see anything suspect with those files, please tell me!

What constitutes “suspect”:

  1. A file is completely missing from the report. This could be due to the parent directory being “skipped”–the sync report should say why the parent directory was skipped.

  2. There’s a row for the file where it’s “enqueued”, but no other rows. This would indicate a bug in PhotoStructure’s work queue.

  3. There’s a row for the file that says “timeout” or “failed”, and the error seems bogus.

(not at my computer)

It’s the same test files incl sync report I did send you over a PM…

Ah! If you could DM me which files didn’t get imported this time that’d be swell. Thanks again for the assist.

The same files didn’t get processed :blush:

OK, thanks, I’ll review this after lunch.