We have a listing on AlternativeTo!

If you’ve got a second, a vote or review would be splendid:

This was how I first came across PhotoStructure some time ago, when I was looking at the options for a self-hosted media library. I had almost given up on finding something suitable which was actively maintained, not using a ported UI from another platform or didn’t feel too bloated by the time I found PhotoStructure at the bottom of an AlternativeTo list. Good to see its ranking increase now :slightly_smiling_face:

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Congratulations on your listing in AlternativeTo.

I have been looking for a good photo/video organization app for some time now. In addition to PhotoStructure, I am evaluating PhotoPrism, PhotoView and LibrePhotos. My initial reaction to PhotoStructure is quite positive though I still feel it’s missing a few features.

Each one of my evaluations is running in Docker on my QNAP NAS. I have about 40,000 photo/video assets organized in my own year/month folder structure. PhotoStructure ticks off most of the features I’m looking. The two features that I would find really helpful are the ability to delete photo(s) and the ability to update EXIF/IPTC data. I’m currently using Photo Mechanic for tagging of photo/video files.

If I had to make a final decision today, this would be one of the top 2 in my final selection queue. And the cost is quite reasonable as well!

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Good news: delete will be available in an alpha build within the week!

Tempering enthusiasm a bit, know that the “updating metadata” theme encompasses a bunch of individual UX features, for example

  • editing captured-at
  • editing title and description
  • general keyword management
  • location editing
  • face detection (and manual overrides when ML gets it wrong)
  • object detection (and manual overrides when ML gets it wrong)

So, I won’t be able to get that last item checked off your list immediately, but know all those things are on my list.

Thanks for taking the time to share!