Can't download alpha?

I’m just exploring PhotoStructure as a solution to 20 years of ignoring my photo archives. This means I now have a 10TB, 650k asset problem, and PhotoStructure seems ideal for tackling this.

That said, everything that’s easily installable seems quite old. Desktop is 1.1.0, and the TrueChart is 2.1.0a7. So, off to the forums, reading up on Alphas, and I found the download link. That offers 2023.12.0a3, but I get Access Denied from S3 when I try to download it. Substitution in the filename to try to get alpha 1 or alpha 2 doesn’t seem to help, and I can’t list the installer directory.

How can I get my hands on a recent alpha for Mac/arm64?


Welcome to PhotoStructure, @zandr ! Apologies for the installation hassles.

20 years of ignoring my photo archives. This means I now have a 10TB, 650k asset problem, and PhotoStructure seems ideal for tackling this.

Yup! That’s my situation as well, and your situation is exactly my target use case to solve.

As far as the installation being old: unfortunately, I “picked the wrong horse” when I chose how to package PhotoStructure for Desktops–it’s kinda broken on Windows, and wholly broken on macOS. I’m trying to switch to electron forge today to fix this, but these configurations tend to be brittle and frequently hard to debug. Most of my (vocal) users tend to be on docker or Linux, so I’ve neglected PhotoStructure for Desktops as I chase down and fix reported bugs on those other editions.

At this moment, if you want to run on macOS, I’d recommend PhotoStructure for Node:

And pulling in the alpha tag:

So after your git clone, run git checkout alpha. Also, feel free to hop into PhotoStructure’s discord (particularly the alphabeta room).

OK, giving the node version a shot, and getting an odd error from

photostructure-for-servers % ./               
git stash --include-untracked
./ line 99: 60: command not found

I’ll give the script a read and hop over to discord. Thanks again!

This was fixed in the alpha released last night. Thanks for reporting!