Expected Behavior
After a fresh reinstall/reinitializing of photostructure, the initial scan should not crash
Current Behavior
container stopped. This is from the docker log for the container:
Your library is at /ps/library
PhotoStructure is ready: <http://localhost:1787/>
{"fatal":true,"exit":true,"status":12,"pid":25,"ppid":18,"error":"ChildService(sync).onStdout(): Error: ChildService(sync).onStdout()unhandledRejection: Error: DbRequest {\"method\":\"run\",\"sql\":\"insert into `ProgressMeta` (`createdAt`, `name`, `progressId`, `updatedAt`, `value`) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT (progressId,name) DO UPDATE SET update…"}
Shutting down PhotoStructure...
Verifying & backing up /ps/tmp/local-db/models/db.sqlite3...
PhotoStructure library db has been backed up to /ps/library/.photostructure/models/backup.
Steps to Reproduce
Not sure it can be reproduced. But this is what I did before it happened:
- deleted all the content of the library (including .photostructure hidden folder)
- delete tmp, config and logs.
- recreated the container
- login to restore the plus subscription
- leave all the defaults on the settings screen
After a few minutes of scanning/processing this error occured. Restarted the container and so far this has not reoccured.
Operating system and version: unraid 6.9.2
PhotoStructure edition: PhotoStructure for Docker
Version 1.0.0-beta.9
Edition PhotoStructure for Docker
Plan plus
OS Alpine Linux v3.13 on x64 (docker)
Node.js 16.3.0
ExifTool 12.26
Video support FFmpeg 4.3.1
HEIF support /usr/bin/heif-convert
Free memory 360 MB / 34 GB
CPUs 12 Ă— Intel(R) Xeon(R) E-2246G CPU @ 3.60GHz
Concurrency Target system use: 75% (9 syncs, 2 threads/sync)
Web uptime 9 minutes, 33 seconds
Library metrics 3,526 assets
7,244 image files
718 tags
Library path /ps/library
Health checks * Library and support directories are OK
- Used memory used by web (31 MB) is OK
- RSS memory used by web (110 MB) is OK