Creation Time, Formatted Time, Total Confusion; or: Google Takeout Sidecar Files Are Misnamed

Hey man, thanks for following up!

I deleted my PhotoStructure library to start fresh with the same batch of photos with the JSON sidecars from Google Takeout, and… nope. It’s still a mess.

Every photo you see here was not taken in 2020/2021. Some of them were scanned in 2020. But a lot of the ones in 2021 weren’t scanned in 2021 nor were they taken in 2021.

I picked one at random, so let’s see what we can see. This picture is not a victim of the weird naming issues of the last time. Here’s what it looks like in PS:

I can see that the naming of the sidecar file is fine. But the modified date of these files is… May 8, 2021, which is what it is dated in PS:

And here are the contents of the JSON file attached to this particular photo:

  "title": "image-0142.jpeg",
  "description": "Lynne Meitner\n1947\n[unknown] Rest Cemetary",
  "imageViews": "0",
  "creationTime": {
    "timestamp": "1596250831",
    "formatted": "Aug 1, 2020, 3:00:31 AM UTC"
  "photoTakenTime": {
    "timestamp": "-725791800",
    "formatted": "Jan 1, 1947, 3:10:00 PM UTC"
  "geoData": {
    "latitude": 0.0,
    "longitude": 0.0,
    "altitude": 0.0,
    "latitudeSpan": 0.0,
    "longitudeSpan": 0.0
  "geoDataExif": {
    "latitude": 0.0,
    "longitude": 0.0,
    "altitude": 0.0,
    "latitudeSpan": 0.0,
    "longitudeSpan": 0.0

(Unrelated side note: I hope eventually we can get those descriptions to show up, because that’s how I preserved the writings on the backs of old photos when I uploaded them to Google Photos. I know it’s one of a billion things you’re working on - as long as they are preserved in the sidecars for now, we’ll get there.)

So… it appears the “file modified” information is what is getting pulled into PhotoStructure. Interesting.