Hi, I’m just starting out so please excuse me if this is user error.
I’m trying to build a new Photostructure library from a number of different sources. In many cases I have 4 versions of the same picture -
original DNG picture from my phone
original JPEG picture from my phone
orig DNG picture imported into lightroom with a lightroom keyword added
orig JPEG picture above imported into lightroom with a lightroom keyword added
I was expecting the de-duplicating algo to result in
all 4 versions being classified as the same picture
only 2 versions of the files being saved, one DNG and one JPG, both with the keyword
However it appears that photostructure is copying all 4 versions into the library and thinks the DNG and JPEG versions are different pictures in the album.
@Wanderweger thanks for sharing those examples! The problem was that one image had an exposure ISO setting of 69 and the other a value of 75.
PhotoStructure v0.9.1 does do exposure setting normalization, but the normalized/rounded versions rendered to ISO 70 vs ISO 80, and didn’t match.
The solution is to have a correlation setting that compares these numeric values: if they’re (by default) within 90% of eachother, PhotoStructure will consider that a match.
This will be in the next release. The correlation value will be configurable via a new minExposureSettingsCorrPct library setting.