I have some HEIC images which when I zoom in on the image rotate 90 degrees after a few seconds
Steps to Reproduce
This is from an landscape HEIC image from an iPhone. View full screen, click on the image to zoom or click on the zoom bar at the top. Wait a few seconds and the image rotates
I’ve just moved from Synology to unraid, so I have to fille the Photos gap…
From all the Tool’s I’ve tried, Photostructure and Photo Prism are left for serious consideration. Actually I think Photostructure would be perfect, great work! But still (I tried Beta 2.0) there is this Rotation bug. Will it be solved in near future? Otherwise (since we like our already taken Iphone pictures) I would have to move on.
I promise, if this bug ist solved, I will become a subscriber!
Heya @tomatic! This issue should be resolved in v2.1. I hope to release an alpha build of v2.1 soon, and everyone can verify that the solution didn’t just work on my test machines.