Prior to the rebuild I had ~39000 assets and now it’s telling me I only have 286.
I’m using photostructure/server:beta on Unraid. I forced an upgrade a couple of weeks ago to see if an issue with picture rotation not working had been fixed.
After the upgrade I performed a Rebuild after which PS reports only 286 assets. I did another Rebuild yesterday and the same situation continues.
The About page gives the version as 2.1.0-alpha.3. It also reports the sync status of /ps/library and /ps/source as Stale.
Thanks for taking the time to report this! Apologies for the inconvenience.
I got a similar bug report from @adamf on DIscord a while back, but couldn’t figure out how it happened at the time.
A couple days ago I ran sync through the debugger and stepped through work queue sequence and found that it could short-circuit the primary import step (!!), which would lead to most assets being incorrectly marked as not present on the filesystem.
The next release, v2.1.0-alpha.4, should resolve this just by running sync again.
You can use :stable and re-create your library, or “upgrade” to :alpha (which works well on my hardware, but there are users that have seen issues with the latest :alpha, so no guarantees). Here’s my general guidance for alpha, beta, and stable: Alpha, beta, stable, and latest; What should you use?