Permissions errors in the log

Running 2024.3.3-beta via Docker under unRaid.

Noticed some permissions errors in the log as I’ve been monitoring my initial syncs and processing.

I think I have a pretty standard setup. Appdata on my fast cache drive SSD (didn’t change any of the default docker mappings for this), and my library is right is set to a different cache-only share as well (just while data is processed and previews and such generated, this may get moved to the array later). All my pictures are on external volumes mapped in to Docker, library organization disabled.

First I saw this error. I found it odd that it was trying to create a logs dir in my library folder when the logs are actually generated in the appdata folder (/mnt/user/appdata/photostructure/logs → /ps/logs).

I then noticed another permission error about a docker-config folder creation:

Here are the permissions on my library folder, not sure why the mkdir would be failing (or truly if it’s even an issue):

Some context and additional details may help. I’m trying to use the logtail tool included with ps, but it appears to be looking for the logs in the wrong path:

If I run the tail command manually on the correct logs, it does spit out the data in the logs as it’s written:

The ps about dialogue does show me the correct log path pointing to /ps/logs:

PhotoStructure makes the assumption that it can write onto $library/.photostructure—all sorts of things may go south if, say, that directory is only writable by root and you’re running as a non-root user. (Although those issues should be detected by the file permissions health check!)

I’ll check the code to see why it’s looking at the $library/.photostructure/logs directory instead of just using your bind mount.

Thanks, no rush at all.

PS should have full read and write to the library folder, including that hidden folder. The sync is working, and it is successfully generating previews and generating the sync reports and such.

I know unRaid can be finicky with the permissions sometimes, so I try not to mess that that unless I have to. Have not changed the default Docker template at all except to map in the mounts of my photo folders. I do, however, run the “Docker Safe New Permissions” tool occasionally to reset permissions across the array and cache. Could that mess with the permissions PS needs/sets for itself?

In any case, I haven’t seen the errors since, everything appears to be working except that logtail oddity, so I’m not too concerned about it. If there is anything further I can provide to help squash a bug though, let me know.

Interesting tidbit I noticed today that may help narrow the search:

If I open a console within the docker contain and run logtail as root, it seems to look at the right /ps/logs/ folder. If I run it under the ‘node’ user, it’s looking for the log folder in the library path:

So removing the ‘-u node’ argument from the docker exec command starts logtail looking at the right log dir as well, but I distinctly recall reading in the docs that permissions issue can happen running under root.