I have two copies of the same photo, and PhotoStructure did not correctly dedupe them:
Original (6.26 MB): http://d.ls/photostructure/dupebug1.jpg
Version from Google Photos takeout (2.73 MB): http://d.ls/photostructure/dupebug2.jpg
It seems like Google messed with the metadata slightly, as the word “Sony” is missing from the lensId of the Google version:
PS D:\PhotoStructure> docker run --mount type=bind,source=D:\PhotoStructure\,target=/data photostructure/server photostructure info "/data/2014/2014-07-18/DSC00717-1.jpg" "/data/2014/2014-07-18/DSC00717.JPG"
message: 'These files differ: Different lensId: LensID:E PZ 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 OSS != LensID:Sony E PZ 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 OSS',
similarImages: false,
meanHamm: 0.97,
labModesCorr: 0.96,
a: {
'$ctor': 'models.AssetFile',
aperture: 9,
capturedAtLocal: 2014071803411300,
capturedAtPrecisionMs: 0,
capturedAtSrc: 'tags:DateTimeOriginal',
fileSize: 2726930,
focalLength: '16.0 mm',
height: 4912,
iso: 100,
lensId: 'LensID:E PZ 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 OSS',
make: 'Sony',
meanHash: '+fnhgcMjdzPg4J683FD4mAMHPz8ff///',
mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
mode0: 3136,
mode1: 3616,
mode2: 1380,
mode3: 3620,
mode4: 1572,
mode5: 1792,
mode6: 3584,
model: 'NEX-6',
mountpoint: '/data',
mtime: 1609577680000,
sha: 'pRfLsCwxinTpggM14RsYcw5kh/NYJcUL',
shutterSpeed: '1/250',
uri: 'psfile://2jPPUQgqo/2014/2014-07-18/DSC00717-1.jpg',
version: 11,
width: 3264
b: {
'$ctor': 'models.AssetFile',
aperture: 9,
cameraId: 'InternalSerialNumber:1700990c',
capturedAtLocal: 2014071803411300,
capturedAtPrecisionMs: 0,
capturedAtSrc: 'tags:DateTimeOriginal',
fileSize: 6258688,
focalLength: '16.0 mm',
height: 4912,
imageId: 'ShutterCount:772',
iso: 100,
lensId: 'LensID:Sony E PZ 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 OSS',
make: 'Sony',
meanHash: '+fnhgcMjNzPAwL683FD4OAMHPz8ff///',
mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
mode0: 3136,
mode1: 3616,
mode2: 3620,
mode3: 1572,
mode4: 1792,
mode5: 3584,
mode6: 3588,
model: 'NEX-6',
mountpoint: '/data',
mtime: 1405683672000,
rotation: 270,
sha: 'Bf4kAn0QAz9g7NBhdDQSfg3yqrFFc6Xb',
shutterSpeed: '1/250',
uri: 'psfile://2jPPUQgqo/2014/2014-07-18/DSC00717.JPG',
version: 11,
width: 3264
is the Google compressed version; b
is the original)
Notice that in the original, the lensId is “Sony E PZ 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 OSS”, however in the Google version it’s just “E PZ 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 OSS” (no “Sony”).
There’s quite a few photos like this, so I have a large number of duplicates in my library now. Is there a workaround (eg some way to ignore lensId when checking for dupes)? Alternatively, if/once you fix this issue, would a sync properly dedupe them?