My bumpy start continues. I moved the folder with my library. When opening PS and selecting pick new library it doesn’t do anything. tried adapting the mac instructions with no luck. suggestions?
Ultimately, I’m guessing I need to sort installing version to really see any of the features and benefits folks seem to like about the application, correct? So scrap it and start over trying to install a newer version? If so, what inbetween, stable version would have basics like videos, delete and some sort of album grouping?
Changing library directories with v1.1 is only reliably done by shutting down PhotoStructure, manually editing the system settings.toml, and relaunching. Newer versions support arbitrarily changing library directories.
All versions of PhotoStructure can read from older library versions, but in doing so, are updated to the database schema for that newer release.
Most of my users are running a v2024 beta build, and mostly on Linux or docker.
The next release I’ve addressed many (many) smaller edge cases on windows and macOS, and I intend to continue to work towards more feature and stability parity across all editions of PhotoStructure.