Processing less than a minute remain, forever

The progress panel only shows “recent” progress state.

As the sync process visits each drive, it writes progress to the library database that the webservice then reads and renders to the web UI.

If a progress row’s updatedAt is more than a minute old and is in “done” state, it will remove the progress panel for that volume from the web UI (I can see how this causes confusion, though!) Should those panels show until they’re dismissed, or should they always show on the home page, perhaps, to avoid confusion?

As far as the asset counts, can you share your library metrics from the about page? It looks like the asset-tag counter didn’t run properly (I have to materialize that count because the asset count you see for each tag is recursive, and can be expensive to recompute on large libraries–it updates incrementally during a sync, and should run a full count rebuild at the end of a sync, but that didn’t seem to run on your box correctly).

I’ll add a “tag recount” row to the sync report so we can keep tabs on this issue better in the future.

Thanks for the follow up.

I don’t think it even processed H:
I was watching it after pressing the Restart Sync
It never showed H:
To be fair, I just tried it again now, and it didn’t show for any of the drives. so I’m not sure what exactly is going on.

Not sure if it matters, when I do restart sync, after a little while a console window is launched and it disappears immediately, not sure what process it is launching and if it is an issue.

I think having some kind of progress window reflecting what drives / files (one line per included path) it is processing would be very helpful, user can dismiss it or hide if they want.

This is my library metrics from Help menu

Those number are very far from the number of images I have on those drives.



I’m looking into sync weirdness with alpha.7 now. You’re not the only one seeing inconsistent file counts and sync coverage.

Thank you for the update and effort to resolve.