Hello, I’m currently an user of another photo software installed in by docker in my one server. I have a query about the paid membership. That payment is only for the windows/mac version or it apply also to the self hosted version?
Thanks in advance.
It applies to any version of Photostructure, including the docker version.
Thanks in such case my actual solution has more free functionality.
Welcome to PhotoStructure, @maaper !
@avdp is correct–per the fourth bullet at the top of the pricing page:
One PhotoStructure plus subscription is valid for a single household
What this means is that you are welcome to use any and all editions of PhotoStructure, including PhotoStructure for Desktops and PhotoStructure for Servers, including both node and docker variants.
ICYMI, this section may be helpful: https://photostructure.com/server/photostructure-for-servers/#how-are-the-desktop--server-editions-of-photostructure-different