Support Star Ratings in metadata

For my reference:

IPTC Image Rating

The value shall be -1 or in the range 0…5. -1 indicates “rejected” and 0 “unrated”. If an explicit value is missing the implicit default value is 0 should be assumed.
IPTC Photo Metadata Standard 2023.1


real / (a value from 0 to 5, or -1 for “rejected”)
XMP Tags

PhotoStructure v2.0-beta thru 2024.3.2-beta (latest as of this post; no there hasn’t been another stable release yet much to the chagrin of us all and the developer. But work is ongoing and stable is hoped soon™)

Tap :heart: to like or “fave” the current asset.
PhotoStructure | How to archive, remove, and delete photos and videos in your PhotoStructure library

(Paraphrase) Uses the XMP:Rating tag to read/write “faved” status. No immediate intent to add options for 5-star or 10-star rating systems, although knowing Matt’s desire for this to work for everyone I’m sure it will eventually happen if this gets enough votes. For now he’s trying his hardest to get out something for a stable release (although he does keep implementing features he personally finds useful) then his next major priority is multi-user support. After that, I could definitely see him revisiting this topic and supporting the additional use-cases.
Ability to quickly favorite a photo while browsing

configurable setting minRatingForFave / PS_MIN_RATING_FOR_FAVE
photostructure-for-servers/defaults.env at main · photostructure/photostructure-for-servers · GitHub

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