“Timeline” view of all assets, sorted chronologically. This is in addition to the current browsing by When/YYYY/Month. Direct navigation into the timeline would be via new links in the asset header or the asset info panel.
That’s a must have feature for me to have a timeline view (as is doing Google Photo) and looking at other self hosted photos management (librephotos, photoprisme etc), it is also highly requested there.
I guess that once this feature would be developped, there will be a message here and so I will get an alert. It would be time for me to test photostructure (if I am not convinced yet by an other one)
Search results now support arbitrary timeline navigation.
(a future enhancement would be a scroll-thumb to support jumping directly to a specific year, ala google photos. If you’d like this, feel free to create a new feature request!)
(Closing this topic is required to release the votes that people used for this feature).