Running v2.0.0-beta.1 in docker. Saw on another post that you’re releasing the 2.1 alpha soon, so happy to retest with that if it makes more sense.
Finally got everything imported and transcoded (~4000 videos), but I noticed a lot of files missing. I ran through the steps from the server tools page to find what files were missing, and found about ~800 didn’t make it into the library.
I pulled the info on several of the files that didn’t import, but based on everything I could see the file should have imported. The videos are in the same directory and recorded with the same device, so aside from length there’s nothing different.
I did increase my maxasset size because I have larger videos I wanted transcoded. I increased it to 5GB, and the file that did not import is around 1GB. Not sure if maybe size is the factor here?
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