TypeError in Web

I am getting this fairly often in PS Web GUI when it tries to load an image after clicking on a thumbnail.
The effect in the GUI is that the image doesn’t load, showing instead the little “missing image” question mark OS icon in its place.

The Console shows a “Load Failed: Connection reset” error for a request like below. Which I don’t think is due to my lack of connectivity as all of this is happening within my home LAN.

req uri: http://redacted:1787/api/asset/2081?from=undefined&priorAssetId=undefined

Which tried manually returns:

    "assetId": 2081,
    "liked": false,
    "hidden": false,
    "excluded": false,
    "deleted": false,
    "name": "dattero final02.tif",
    "width": 1458,
    "height": 2814,
    "rotation": 0,
    "capturedAtLocale": "31 Aug 1998, 00:00",
    "aspectRatio": 0.5,
        "href": "/dl/2081/2251",
        "size": "original",
        "title": "Download dattero final02.tif",
        "basename": "dattero final02.tif",
        "description": "Download original"
        "tagId": 525,
        "description": null,
        "assetCount": 70
        "assetId": 2077,
        "v": 2
        "assetId": 2082,
        "v": 2
        "width": "82",
        "src": "/img/2081/fit/82",
        "loading": "eager",
        "srcSet": "/img/2081/fit/1440 1440w,/img/2081/fit/663 663w,/img/2081/fit/373 373w,/img/2081/fit/165 165w,/img/2081/fit/82 82w,/img/2081/2251/actual 1458w"

PS prealpha.19 on Docker, Synology DSM 7.2
Using Safari on Mac.

Thanks for reporting! As always, apologies for the bug.

Can you send me the web debug logs? I’ve never seen this error before.

(FWIW the only “watcher” reference I can think of is an fswatch on shared-state, but that’s not in a codepath you’d hit on a web request)