Upgrade from 1.1.0

Is 1.1.0 the only stable release available? The notes and forums all reference other versions 2.xxx, 23.xxx, 22.xx, you get the point, etc. However, no where have I found anything that’s a stable release only alpha and beta references and notes. Searched Reddit for stable, nothing. Check for update in the client says it’s the newest version. What am I missing?

Welcome to PhotoStructure, @qbickle !

Apologies for the current state of affairs. The desktop v1.1.0 build relied on a toolchain that stopped working with newer releases of electron and macOS, and stymied new releases.

Most of my users seem to be using PhotoStructure for Servers, so I’d procrastinated in fixing the desktop edition (especially since electron releases have also been notoriously buggy, especially on Linux and macOS, which made the task feel like a fool’s errand).

The beta builds available for the server editions have been updated regularly and are what most users are on.

A couple months ago I rebuilt the desktop edition to use a new toolchain, and am currently readying that release. I post progress updates on discord and keep the release notes current with what will be in the next release, as well:

FWIW: I’m not on Twitter/X or Reddit anymore due to policy shenanigans from both company’s exec teams.

Any update on a newer Windows Desktop Release?

New user here (hi!) just wanted to pop in an say I almost gave up on PS due to the 1.1 version being the latest stable available. There may be other customers you’re potentially losing due to this.

I had issues with some HEIC photos not rotating correctly, and when I Googled for a solution I noticed this had been reported 2-3 years ago but still plagued the current release. At the same time I noticed the last time the stable was last updated… which made me think the project had been abandoned.

Glad I dug a little deeper and gave the latest beta release a chance. It fixed all the issues/annoyances I noticed with the 1.1 version, plus added quite a bit more in terms of outward functionality too. win win!

If it helps for any reference, running PS through a docker on my UnRaid server. Still chugging through the initial import, but everything is looking good so far. Cheers!

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Welcome! I’m also a docker on Unraid user… glad you found the beta!

Photostructure is a one-man show, and @mrm is super transparent and responsive. He has been away from his desk for a while on personal items, so things seem a bit slow at the moment.

But, he’s slowly chipping away, and I’m confident we’ll see more releases in the coming months!