I tried rotating an asset again… Captured the error in the toast as well as a flurry of “errors” from logtail.
2021-10-26T18:20:23.914Z web-42 error DbRequest all(): select * from `Tag` where `parentId` is null order by COALESCE(ordinal, _path) COLLATE NOCASE
2021-10-26T18:20:24.035Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `Asset` where `shown` = 1 and `id` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:24.040Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `AssetFile` where `assetId` = 14939 and `shown` = 1
2021-10-26T18:20:24.044Z web-42 error DbRequest all(): select `id` as `assetId`, `updateCount` as `v` from `Asset` where `Asset`.`shown` = 1 and `Asset`.`hidden` = 0 and `Asset`.`excludedAt` is null and `Asset`.`deletedAt` is null and `capturedAtLocal` = 2019071612391500 order by `assetId` asc
2021-10-26T18:20:24.046Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select `id` as `assetId`, `updateCount` as `v` from `Asset` where `Asset`.`shown` = 1 and `Asset`.`hidden` = 0 and `Asset`.`excludedAt` is null and `Asset`.`deletedAt` is null and `capturedAtLocal` < 2019071612391500 order by `capturedAtLocal` desc, `assetId` desc
2021-10-26T18:20:24.047Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select `id` as `assetId`, `updateCount` as `v` from `Asset` where `Asset`.`shown` = 1 and `Asset`.`hidden` = 0 and `Asset`.`excludedAt` is null and `Asset`.`deletedAt` is null and `capturedAtLocal` > 2019071612391500 order by `capturedAtLocal` asc, `assetId` asc
2021-10-26T18:20:24.130Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `Asset` where `shown` = 1 and `id` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:24.130Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `AssetFile` where `assetId` = 14939 and `shown` = 1
2021-10-26T18:20:24.131Z web-42 error DbRequest all(): select `id` as `assetId`, `updateCount` as `v` from `Asset` where `Asset`.`shown` = 1 and `Asset`.`hidden` = 0 and `Asset`.`excludedAt` is null and `Asset`.`deletedAt` is null and `capturedAtLocal` = 2019071612391500 order by `assetId` asc
2021-10-26T18:20:24.131Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select `id` as `assetId`, `updateCount` as `v` from `Asset` where `Asset`.`shown` = 1 and `Asset`.`hidden` = 0 and `Asset`.`excludedAt` is null and `Asset`.`deletedAt` is null and `capturedAtLocal` < 2019071612391500 order by `capturedAtLocal` desc, `assetId` desc
2021-10-26T18:20:24.132Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select `id` as `assetId`, `updateCount` as `v` from `Asset` where `Asset`.`shown` = 1 and `Asset`.`hidden` = 0 and `Asset`.`excludedAt` is null and `Asset`.`deletedAt` is null and `capturedAtLocal` > 2019071612391500 order by `capturedAtLocal` asc, `assetId` asc
2021-10-26T18:20:26.576Z sync-620 error DbRequest run(): insert into `Heartbeat` (`createdAt`, `name`, `updatedAt`) values (1635272426576, "ping", 1635272426576) ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET updatedAt=excluded.updatedAt
2021-10-26T18:20:26.576Z sync-620 error DbRequest get(): select * from `Heartbeat` where `name` = "ping"
2021-10-26T18:20:28.922Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `Heartbeat` (`createdAt`, `name`, `updatedAt`) values (1635272428921, "ping", 1635272428921) ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET updatedAt=excluded.updatedAt
2021-10-26T18:20:28.923Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `Heartbeat` where `name` = "ping"
2021-10-26T18:20:32.829Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `Asset` where `shown` = 1 and `id` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:32.830Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AssetRevision` (`_priorValueJson`, `assetId`, `createdAt`, `field`) values ("false", 14939, 1635272432829, "hidden")
2021-10-26T18:20:32.830Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `AssetRevision` where `id` = 221
2021-10-26T18:20:32.830Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AssetRevision` (`_priorValueJson`, `assetId`, `createdAt`, `field`) values ("null", 14939, 1635272432829, "excludedAt")
2021-10-26T18:20:32.831Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `AssetRevision` where `id` = 222
2021-10-26T18:20:32.831Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AssetRevision` (`_priorValueJson`, `assetId`, `createdAt`, `field`) values ("null", 14939, 1635272432829, "deletedAt")
2021-10-26T18:20:32.831Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `AssetRevision` where `id` = 223
2021-10-26T18:20:32.832Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AssetRevision` (`_priorValueJson`, `assetId`, `createdAt`, `field`) values ("0", 14939, 1635272432829, "rating")
2021-10-26T18:20:32.832Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `AssetRevision` where `id` = 224
2021-10-26T18:20:32.832Z web-42 error DbRequest all(): select `AssetFile`.* from `AssetFile` inner join `Asset` on `Asset`.`id` = `AssetFile`.`assetId` where `Asset`.`id` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:33.352Z web-42 error DbRequest all(): select `tagId` from `AssetTag` where `assetId` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:33.353Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `ChangedTag` (`tagId`, `updatedAt`) select 14 as `tagId`, 1635272433352 as `updatedAt` union all select 178 as `tagId`, 1635272433352 as `updatedAt` union all select 305 as `tagId`, 1635272433352 as `updatedAt` union all select 819 as `tagId`, 1635272433352 as `updatedAt` union all select 820 as `tagId`, 1635272433352 as `updatedAt` union all select 821 as `tagId`, 1635272433352 as `updatedAt` union all select 1293 as `tagId`, 1635272433352 as `updatedAt` where true on conflict (`tagId`) do update set `updatedAt` = 1635272433352
2021-10-26T18:20:33.354Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): update `Asset` set `id` = 14939, `capturedAtLocal` = 2019071612391500, `shown` = 1, `hidden` = 0, `rating` = 0, `version` = 3, `createdAt` = 1634845990689, `updatedAt` = 1635272433354, `updateCount` = 13, `deletedAt` = null, `durationMs` = null, `excludedAt` = null where `id` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:33.363Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AdvisoryLock` (`acquired`, `createdAt`, `lockId`, `name`) values (0, 1635272433362, "WnaVvngZt-1n", "asset:14939")
2021-10-26T18:20:33.363Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): update `AdvisoryLock` set `acquired` = 1 where `lockId` = "WnaVvngZt-1n"
2021-10-26T18:20:33.396Z web-42 error DbRequest all(): select * from `AssetFile` where `assetId` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:33.478Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): delete from `AdvisoryLock` where `lockId` = "WnaVvngZt-1n"
2021-10-26T18:20:33.478Z web-42 error DbRetries Caught db error. Not retrying. { cause: {} }
2021-10-26T18:20:37.000Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `Asset` where `shown` = 1 and `id` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:37.004Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AssetRevision` (`_priorValueJson`, `assetId`, `createdAt`, `field`) values ("false", 14939, 1635272437002, "hidden")
2021-10-26T18:20:37.005Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `AssetRevision` where `id` = 225
2021-10-26T18:20:37.007Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AssetRevision` (`_priorValueJson`, `assetId`, `createdAt`, `field`) values ("null", 14939, 1635272437002, "excludedAt")
2021-10-26T18:20:37.008Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `AssetRevision` where `id` = 226
2021-10-26T18:20:37.010Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AssetRevision` (`_priorValueJson`, `assetId`, `createdAt`, `field`) values ("null", 14939, 1635272437002, "deletedAt")
2021-10-26T18:20:37.012Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `AssetRevision` where `id` = 227
2021-10-26T18:20:37.014Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AssetRevision` (`_priorValueJson`, `assetId`, `createdAt`, `field`) values ("0", 14939, 1635272437002, "rating")
2021-10-26T18:20:37.015Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `AssetRevision` where `id` = 228
2021-10-26T18:20:37.017Z web-42 error DbRequest all(): select `AssetFile`.* from `AssetFile` inner join `Asset` on `Asset`.`id` = `AssetFile`.`assetId` where `Asset`.`id` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:37.229Z web-42 error DbRequest all(): select `tagId` from `AssetTag` where `assetId` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:37.229Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `ChangedTag` (`tagId`, `updatedAt`) select 14 as `tagId`, 1635272437229 as `updatedAt` union all select 178 as `tagId`, 1635272437229 as `updatedAt` union all select 305 as `tagId`, 1635272437229 as `updatedAt` union all select 819 as `tagId`, 1635272437229 as `updatedAt` union all select 820 as `tagId`, 1635272437229 as `updatedAt` union all select 821 as `tagId`, 1635272437229 as `updatedAt` union all select 1293 as `tagId`, 1635272437229 as `updatedAt` where true on conflict (`tagId`) do update set `updatedAt` = 1635272437229
2021-10-26T18:20:37.231Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): update `Asset` set `id` = 14939, `capturedAtLocal` = 2019071612391500, `shown` = 1, `hidden` = 0, `rating` = 0, `version` = 3, `createdAt` = 1634845990689, `updatedAt` = 1635272437230, `updateCount` = 14, `deletedAt` = null, `durationMs` = null, `excludedAt` = null where `id` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:37.236Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AdvisoryLock` (`acquired`, `createdAt`, `lockId`, `name`) values (0, 1635272437236, "WnaVvngZt-1q", "asset:14939")
2021-10-26T18:20:37.236Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): update `AdvisoryLock` set `acquired` = 1 where `lockId` = "WnaVvngZt-1q"
2021-10-26T18:20:37.256Z web-42 error DbRequest all(): select * from `AssetFile` where `assetId` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:37.261Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): delete from `AdvisoryLock` where `lockId` = "WnaVvngZt-1q"
2021-10-26T18:20:37.261Z web-42 error DbRetries Caught db error. Not retrying. { cause: {} }
2021-10-26T18:20:40.777Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `Asset` where `shown` = 1 and `id` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:40.780Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AssetRevision` (`_priorValueJson`, `assetId`, `createdAt`, `field`) values ("false", 14939, 1635272440779, "hidden")
2021-10-26T18:20:40.780Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `AssetRevision` where `id` = 229
2021-10-26T18:20:40.780Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AssetRevision` (`_priorValueJson`, `assetId`, `createdAt`, `field`) values ("null", 14939, 1635272440779, "excludedAt")
2021-10-26T18:20:40.780Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `AssetRevision` where `id` = 230
2021-10-26T18:20:40.781Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AssetRevision` (`_priorValueJson`, `assetId`, `createdAt`, `field`) values ("null", 14939, 1635272440779, "deletedAt")
2021-10-26T18:20:40.781Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `AssetRevision` where `id` = 231
2021-10-26T18:20:40.781Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AssetRevision` (`_priorValueJson`, `assetId`, `createdAt`, `field`) values ("0", 14939, 1635272440779, "rating")
2021-10-26T18:20:40.782Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `AssetRevision` where `id` = 232
2021-10-26T18:20:40.782Z web-42 error DbRequest all(): select `AssetFile`.* from `AssetFile` inner join `Asset` on `Asset`.`id` = `AssetFile`.`assetId` where `Asset`.`id` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:40.975Z web-42 error DbRequest all(): select `tagId` from `AssetTag` where `assetId` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:40.975Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `ChangedTag` (`tagId`, `updatedAt`) select 14 as `tagId`, 1635272440975 as `updatedAt` union all select 178 as `tagId`, 1635272440975 as `updatedAt` union all select 305 as `tagId`, 1635272440975 as `updatedAt` union all select 819 as `tagId`, 1635272440975 as `updatedAt` union all select 820 as `tagId`, 1635272440975 as `updatedAt` union all select 821 as `tagId`, 1635272440975 as `updatedAt` union all select 1293 as `tagId`, 1635272440975 as `updatedAt` where true on conflict (`tagId`) do update set `updatedAt` = 1635272440975
2021-10-26T18:20:40.976Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): update `Asset` set `id` = 14939, `capturedAtLocal` = 2019071612391500, `shown` = 1, `hidden` = 0, `rating` = 0, `version` = 3, `createdAt` = 1634845990689, `updatedAt` = 1635272440975, `updateCount` = 15, `deletedAt` = null, `durationMs` = null, `excludedAt` = null where `id` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:40.981Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AdvisoryLock` (`acquired`, `createdAt`, `lockId`, `name`) values (0, 1635272440980, "WnaVvngZt-1s", "asset:14939")
2021-10-26T18:20:40.981Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): update `AdvisoryLock` set `acquired` = 1 where `lockId` = "WnaVvngZt-1s"
2021-10-26T18:20:40.997Z web-42 error DbRequest all(): select * from `AssetFile` where `assetId` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:41.004Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): delete from `AdvisoryLock` where `lockId` = "WnaVvngZt-1s"
2021-10-26T18:20:41.005Z web-42 error DbRetries Caught db error. Not retrying. { cause: {} }
2021-10-26T18:20:41.576Z sync-620 error DbRequest run(): insert into `Heartbeat` (`createdAt`, `name`, `updatedAt`) values (1635272441576, "ping", 1635272441576) ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET updatedAt=excluded.updatedAt
2021-10-26T18:20:41.576Z sync-620 error DbRequest get(): select * from `Heartbeat` where `name` = "ping"
2021-10-26T18:20:44.519Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `Asset` where `shown` = 1 and `id` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:44.522Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AssetRevision` (`_priorValueJson`, `assetId`, `createdAt`, `field`) values ("false", 14939, 1635272444521, "hidden")
2021-10-26T18:20:44.522Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `AssetRevision` where `id` = 233
2021-10-26T18:20:44.522Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AssetRevision` (`_priorValueJson`, `assetId`, `createdAt`, `field`) values ("null", 14939, 1635272444522, "excludedAt")
2021-10-26T18:20:44.523Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `AssetRevision` where `id` = 234
2021-10-26T18:20:44.523Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AssetRevision` (`_priorValueJson`, `assetId`, `createdAt`, `field`) values ("null", 14939, 1635272444522, "deletedAt")
2021-10-26T18:20:44.523Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `AssetRevision` where `id` = 235
2021-10-26T18:20:44.523Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AssetRevision` (`_priorValueJson`, `assetId`, `createdAt`, `field`) values ("0", 14939, 1635272444522, "rating")
2021-10-26T18:20:44.524Z web-42 error DbRequest get(): select * from `AssetRevision` where `id` = 236
2021-10-26T18:20:44.524Z web-42 error DbRequest all(): select `AssetFile`.* from `AssetFile` inner join `Asset` on `Asset`.`id` = `AssetFile`.`assetId` where `Asset`.`id` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:44.717Z web-42 error DbRequest all(): select `tagId` from `AssetTag` where `assetId` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:44.718Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `ChangedTag` (`tagId`, `updatedAt`) select 14 as `tagId`, 1635272444718 as `updatedAt` union all select 178 as `tagId`, 1635272444718 as `updatedAt` union all select 305 as `tagId`, 1635272444718 as `updatedAt` union all select 819 as `tagId`, 1635272444718 as `updatedAt` union all select 820 as `tagId`, 1635272444718 as `updatedAt` union all select 821 as `tagId`, 1635272444718 as `updatedAt` union all select 1293 as `tagId`, 1635272444718 as `updatedAt` where true on conflict (`tagId`) do update set `updatedAt` = 1635272444718
2021-10-26T18:20:44.719Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): update `Asset` set `id` = 14939, `capturedAtLocal` = 2019071612391500, `shown` = 1, `hidden` = 0, `rating` = 0, `version` = 3, `createdAt` = 1634845990689, `updatedAt` = 1635272444718, `updateCount` = 16, `deletedAt` = null, `durationMs` = null, `excludedAt` = null where `id` = 14939
2021-10-26T18:20:44.734Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): insert into `AdvisoryLock` (`acquired`, `createdAt`, `lockId`, `name`) values (0, 1635272444733, "WnaVvngZt-1u", "asset:14939")
2021-10-26T18:20:44.739Z web-42 error DbRequest run(): update `AdvisoryLock` set `acquired` = 1 where `lockId` = "WnaVvngZt-1u"
2021-10-26T18:20:44.775Z web-42 error DbRequest all(): select * from `AssetFile` where `assetId` = 14939