V2.1.0-alpha.1 SQLITE_CORRUPT

A while back I reported the SQLITE_CORRUPT I get on unraid using a cache drive. Even though this was not a problem with 2.0 on the same setup, the working theory discussing with @mrm is that it possibly had to do with UNRAID cache drive not being great with SQLITE (indeed, some googling indicates a lot of similar problems, although with older version of UNRAID).

{"toast":{"text":"Well, darn, that didn't work","uuid":"SqliteError: SQLITE_CORRUPT: database disk image is malformed","details":"SqliteError: SQLITE_CORRUPT: database disk image is malformed","type":"warning","button1Text":"Return home","button1Url":"/tag#dismiss","button1Class":"info","onClickUrl":"#dismiss"}}

Iā€™ve recently setup another server to play with. This time, itā€™s Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS, with docker-ce 22.10.16. Iā€™ve tried putting the library folder on a plain nvme SSD (ext4), and on a ZFS array. Both setup result in the exact same SQLITE error.

So I think itā€™s fair to say UNRAID is not the problem. Possibly something in my picture library? Or some other not discovered bug? This is very easy to replicate - this happens 100% of the time I do a scratch setup (empty library). So let me know what I can do to help find the issue?

The only occurences of the word ā€œErrorā€ or ā€œsqlā€ in all the logs are below:

web-35-001.log:{"ts":1654458025349,"l":"error","ctx":"DbRequest","msg":".throw() database disk image is malformed","meta":{"stack":"SqliteError: database disk image is malformed\n    at /ps/app/bin/web.js:9:857469\n    at /ps/app/bin/web.js:9:880041\n    at sqliteTransaction (/ps/app/node_modules/better-sqlite3/lib/methods/transaction.js:65:24)\n    at maxRā€¦st (/ps/app/bin/web.js:9:858776)","method":"select","options":{},"timeout":false,"cancelOnTimeout":false,"bindings":[1,0],"sql":"select count(distinct `Asset`.`id`) from `Asset` where `Asset`.`shown` = ? and `Asset`.`hidden` = ? and `Asset`.`excludedAt` is null and `Asset`.`deletedAt` is null"}}
worker-4648-001.log:{"ts":1654456973481,"l":"error","ctx":"AssetPreviewBuilder(644)","msg":".throw() Cannot build previews: none of the files are valid: Failed to extract video frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181218_160234.MP4: Failed to extract frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181218_160234.MP4: Cannot read /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181218_160234.MP4 (video/mp4)Ā²ā¶","meta":{"stack":"Error: Failed to extract frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181218_160234.MP4\n    at t.ffmpegFrame_ (/ps/app/bin/worker.js:9:350967)\n    at /ps/app/bin/worker.js:9:345758\n    at L.applyWip_ (/ps/app/bin/worker.js:9ā€¦ (/ps/app/bin/worker.js:9:88697)","doNotSend":true,"retriable":false,"files":["/media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181218_160234.MP4"],"causes":[{"name":"Error","causes":[{"name":"Error","causes":["Failed to extract video frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181218_160234.MP4",{}],"fatal":false},{"message":"Cannot read /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181218_160234.MP4 (video/mp4)","causes":[{"name":"Error","causes":["Failed to extract video frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181218_160234.MP4",{}],"fatal":false}]}],"fatal":false}]}}
worker-4648-001.log:{"ts":1654457041567,"l":"error","ctx":"AssetPreviewBuilder(796)","msg":".throw() Cannot build previews: none of the files are valid: Failed to extract video frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_133725.MP4: Failed to extract frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_133725.MP4: Cannot read /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_133725.MP4 (video/mp4)Ā²ā¶","meta":{"stack":"Error: Failed to extract frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_133725.MP4\n    at t.ffmpegFrame_ (/ps/app/bin/worker.js:9:350967)\n    at runNextTicks (node:internal/process/task_queues:61:5)\n    at processTimersā€¦ (/ps/app/bin/worker.js:9:88697)","doNotSend":true,"retriable":false,"files":["/media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_133725.MP4"],"causes":[{"name":"Error","causes":[{"name":"Error","causes":["Failed to extract video frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_133725.MP4",{}],"fatal":false},{"message":"Cannot read /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_133725.MP4 (video/mp4)","causes":[{"name":"Error","causes":["Failed to extract video frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_133725.MP4",{}],"fatal":false}]}],"fatal":false}]}}
worker-4689-001.log:{"ts":1654457008188,"l":"error","ctx":"AssetPreviewBuilder(720)","msg":".throw() Cannot build previews: none of the files are valid: Failed to extract video frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_130715.MP4: Failed to extract frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_130715.MP4: Cannot read /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_130715.MP4 (video/mp4)Ā²ā¶","meta":{"stack":"Error: Failed to extract frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_130715.MP4\n    at t.ffmpegFrame_ (/ps/app/bin/worker.js:9:350967)\n    at /ps/app/bin/worker.js:9:345758\n    at L.applyWip_ (/ps/app/bin/worker.js:9ā€¦ (/ps/app/bin/worker.js:9:88697)","doNotSend":true,"retriable":false,"files":["/media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_130715.MP4"],"causes":[{"name":"Error","causes":[{"name":"Error","causes":["Failed to extract video frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_130715.MP4",{}],"fatal":false},{"message":"Cannot read /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_130715.MP4 (video/mp4)","causes":[{"name":"Error","causes":["Failed to extract video frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_130715.MP4",{}],"fatal":false}]}],"fatal":false}]}}
worker-4689-001.log:{"ts":1654457019138,"l":"error","ctx":"AssetPreviewBuilder(746)","msg":".throw() Cannot build previews: none of the files are valid: Failed to extract video frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_130722.MP4: Failed to extract frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_130722.MP4: Cannot read /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_130722.MP4 (video/mp4)Ā²ā¶","meta":{"stack":"Error: Failed to extract frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_130722.MP4\n    at t.ffmpegFrame_ (/ps/app/bin/worker.js:9:350967)\n    at /ps/app/bin/worker.js:9:345758\n    at L.applyWip_ (/ps/app/bin/worker.js:9ā€¦ (/ps/app/bin/worker.js:9:88697)","doNotSend":true,"retriable":false,"files":["/media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_130722.MP4"],"causes":[{"name":"Error","causes":[{"name":"Error","causes":["Failed to extract video frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_130722.MP4",{}],"fatal":false},{"message":"Cannot read /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_130722.MP4 (video/mp4)","causes":[{"name":"Error","causes":["Failed to extract video frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_130722.MP4",{}],"fatal":false}]}],"fatal":false}]}}
worker-4689-001.log:{"ts":1654457028376,"l":"error","ctx":"AssetPreviewBuilder(767)","msg":".throw() Cannot build previews: none of the files are valid: Failed to extract video frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_133715.MP4: Failed to extract frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_133715.MP4: Cannot read /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_133715.MP4 (video/mp4)Ā²ā¶","meta":{"stack":"Error: Failed to extract frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_133715.MP4\n    at t.ffmpegFrame_ (/ps/app/bin/worker.js:9:350967)\n    at /ps/app/bin/worker.js:9:345758\n    at L.applyWip_ (/ps/app/bin/worker.js:9ā€¦ (/ps/app/bin/worker.js:9:88697)","doNotSend":true,"retriable":false,"files":["/media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_133715.MP4"],"causes":[{"name":"Error","causes":[{"name":"Error","causes":["Failed to extract video frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_133715.MP4",{}],"fatal":false},{"message":"Cannot read /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_133715.MP4 (video/mp4)","causes":[{"name":"Error","causes":["Failed to extract video frame for /media/photos/2018/201812/MVIMG_20181230_133715.MP4",{}],"fatal":false}]}],"fatal":false}]}}
web-35-001.log:{"ts":1654458025349,"l":"error","ctx":"DbRequest","msg":".throw() database disk image is malformed","meta":{"stack":"SqliteError: database disk image is malformed\n    at /ps/app/bin/web.js:9:857469\n    at /ps/app/bin/web.js:9:880041\n    at sqliteTransaction (/ps/app/node_modules/better-sqlite3/lib/methods/transaction.js:65:24)\n    at maxRā€¦st (/ps/app/bin/web.js:9:858776)","method":"select","options":{},"timeout":false,"cancelOnTimeout":false,"bindings":[1,0],"sql":"select count(distinct `Asset`.`id`) from `Asset` where `Asset`.`shown` = ? and `Asset`.`hidden` = ? and `Asset`.`excludedAt` is null and `Asset`.`deletedAt` is null"}}

Thanks for doing this research! Iā€™ll check those logs as soon as I get back to my desk.

The ā€œFailed to extract video frameā€ error may be due to using a newer version of ffmpeg: they removed the singlejpeg format, and I had to adjust PhotoStructureā€™s video frame extraction arguments. v2.1-alpha.2 has that fix.

I just did some net spelunking for database disk image is malformed and found this: SQLite Forum: FTS5 error: database disk image is malformed and looking into if that scenario is applicable/causal.

Update: Iā€™m not using triggers, and have no incremental tag FTS updates (itā€™s currently fast enough to just drop and rebuild that entire FTS index on tag updates), so Iā€™m looking elsewhere (perhaps the db backup process?)

Should it matter, here are my env variables. The only one as far as I know with impact to SQLITE is PS_FORCE_LOCAL_DB_REPLICA, but I have confirmed this happens wether I set or donā€™t set this variable. Happy to retest with alpha.2 to see if one of the issue youā€™ve fixed there accidentally fixed this as well. You just need to release the thing :slight_smile:

Name Value
PS_WHO_TAGS [ā€œPeopleā€]
TZ America/New_York

Thanks for sharing thatā€“nothing there looks suspect.

I was reviewing my call to PRAGMA WAL_CHECKPOINT and realized I wasnā€™t verifying that the db wasnā€™t busy before calling PRAGMA OPTIMIZE. Iā€™ve added a retry loop for the checkpoint, added logging, and added the checkpoint flavor as a new setting, so we can test this in the wild.

I am getting this error also - tried alpha.1 and alpha.3. My setup is ubuntu server 22.04 lts, snap docker, virtual machine under proxmox.

I am not a database guy but have noticed some projects switching away from sqlite and using mariadb.

i am re-running with ps-log-level=info. lemme know if you need debug level instead. thanks.

Go vote on this feature request to get mariadb support. I am beyond tired of the sqlite issuesā€¦

MariaDB is a reasonable RDBMS!

PhotoStructure needs something out of the box that supports macOS, Windows, and Linux, and the on-disk db needs to be cross-platform as well for libraries to be both self-contained and portable across platforms.

The download of MariaDB is 300MB compressed, which is 3x larger than any of PhotoStructureā€™s installersā€¦ If I could choose any RDBMS, Iā€™d pick PostgreSQL (it can handle PhotoStructureā€™s recursive CTE SQL queries), but those installers are quite large as well.

Check out the link from @avdp ā€“ we discussed an option to use a dedicated RDBMS with PhotoStructure. Using an external RDBMS would mean those libraries arenā€™t portable and self-contained, but that can be a decision made by more advanced users.

(And yeah, Iā€™m pretty done with the SQLite issues as well)

ok i will check out the other link ā€“ i had forgotten about postgresql ā€“ i used it many years ago - it had an api for python.

meanwhile i am about at my wits end with photostructure ā€“ on the one hand i want to help advance the program, but my family is missing the photos while I struggle to get it running again.

I had pretty good luck with unraid, but wanted to try proxmox ā€“ not such good luck with it, unless i stop and learn docker-compose and also how to make proxmox bind mounts work with containers ā€“ so much to learn, so little time.

Letā€™s get this fixed! Are you on :stable, or :alpha?

If your library db is broken, you should be able to restore to the latest version with these instructions.

Ping me on discord if you want real-time assistance.

About the installer sizes, it is hard to resist saying ā€“ if it doesnt have to actually work correctly, it can be very small! So bigger, but working/robust seems a reasonable thing to me.

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Well I am out of ideas, and will have to wait until I get more free time ā€“ back to my day job tomorrow. but here is my update-- I gave up on proxmox, and then realized my unraid trial had lapsed a few days ago, so I went with Ubuntu 22.04 lts desktop. I got the same sqlite malformed error. I then tried a different hard drive. same error. I suppose my next experiment will be to switch to a different computer entirely.

Can you DM me your About page, the filesystem type that hosted your library, any hard drive/ssd details, and maybe a library database backup so I can try to reproduce your error?

(Ideally I want local hardware and a process that results in sqlite errors, so I can then track the problem, try different resolutions, and not just be shooting in the dark)

Thanks for keeping me in the loop here, and apologies for the inconvenience!