Version 2.1.0-alpha.2 is ready for testing!

Bugs found in v2.1.0-alpha.2+

(Moved from

I’ll get these sorted as soon as I can. If you see other bugs, please post here or in discord!

  • look into @avdp’s SQLite corruption issue (can you start with a new library, and if it recurs, send me debug logs, please?)

  • Remove assets button results in “lost network connection” (via @adamf)

  • Requesting a new sync or rebuild from the web doesn’t seem to work (via @Nighthawk)

  • Previously-excluded directories, like /#recycled/, are not be ignored when they are inside a scanned directory.

  • About page sync status incorrectly states all directories are stale

  • Progress panel doesn’t show parade of newly-imported thumbnails, and detail shows asset ids

  • Sync rescheduling seems to be broken

  • After changing the library to a different directory, you need to restart PhotoStructure to make sync restart properly (no restart should be necessary!)

  • Edge on macOS doesn’t respond to esc key

  • Archiving an asset and then visiting it from the search results returned a 500 server error (via @organizeme)

  • Preview images may have wrong aspect ratio (via @organizeme )

Features that need testing

Docker/RPi support

  • Does the new muti-arch docker image run OK on Raspberry Pi 4s?

  • Does PhotoStructure for Node run OK on Raspberry Pi 4s?

Deletion/Trash can support

  • Do “deleted” files on local disks on macOS end up properly in the trash can? Does “Put Back” work?

  • Do “deleted” files on local disks on Windows end up properly in the trash can? Does “Undo Delete” work?

  • Do “deleted” files on local disks on Ubuntu/gnome end up properly in the trash can? Does “Restore from trash” work?

Sync Reports

  • Can people open up their sync report with their favorite spreadsheet app?

  • Does it help answer the “why is my file not in my library” question?


New full-screen mode

  • please click the full screen button in the upper right header bar, and then continue to browse your library. If it doesn’t behave as expected, please report OS, browser, and what went wrong.