A beta tester just emailed with an example of very slow tag gallery rendering.
Know that PhotoStructure has been designed to render pages as instantaneously as possible: imports and syncs “front-load” as much computation as they can, so PhotoStructure is still performant even when hosted on very CPU-constrained servers (like raspberry pi and shared VMs): but if your disk is slow, PhotoStructure will be slow.
If you run the webservice with --verbose
or use your browser’s network tab and see response latencies for the /img/
endpoint take more than 10ms, something with your disk I/O is amiss. I’d check the following:
If you have a constrained network and a beefy server that’s currently running a sync, PhotoStructure may have “saturated” the I/O of your disk. SSDs happily parallelize reads, but “spinning rust” or HDDs will suffer under heavy concurrency. Try pausing the sync and see if that helps.
If the system’s underlying storage media is unhealthy, this can cause I/O latency. If your hardware supports it, run a self-test and check SMART for warnings or errors.
If this is mounting a windows remote file share, know that there are antivirus/antimalware apps that pre-scan on every file read (which slows down everything). If you have to run Windows, I recommend using Microsoft Windows Defender over any other solution.
If your library is mounted via a remote file share, know that consumer routers and switches can have terrible wired or wireless performance. I had a (well-rated!) router that caused 50% packet loss on wired connections, and have had a (couple!) switches that caused packet loss after a brownout. The
tool can help diagnose these issues.