Edit: there are newer builds now. Please check
Changes in this build
The back button no longer resets scroll position on tag or search pages!
Docker now disables the bounce service, which should address this docker crash
Search improvements
Search had been query-as-you-type. Now searches are only executed when the user hits return, clicks the magnifying glass, or taps the “search” key on their mobile keyboard.
Search results are now paged via lazy-loaded infinite scroll
The search button on non-root tags now pre-fills the search icon with the current tag to support paging through all inherited assets and as a start to adding more search criteria.
You can now clear prior searches (there’s an X to the right of the heading)
Fixed the prior search list
Query parameters from search no longer transfer when returning to the home page
Reworked the search examples
Search queries with unmatched quotes,
, orOR
are no longer considered valid. -
The search button isn’t hidden on mobile devices anymore.
Other improvements
Keyword extraction is now more configurable
, which lets docker shutdown propagate to PhotoStructure, and let it shut down gracefully (and avoid “Library is already opened by” errors) -
setting, which defaults to 1 hour:If an opened-by lockfile has not been touched in this number of minutes, the file is considered stale and invalid. Libraries will refresh their lockfile more frequently than this period. The disk that hosts your library won't be able to idle if this is set too short
is now copied into the docker container to ensure consistent contents -
changed some paths fromPhotoStructure
reverted several of these changes, but logfiles were still being written tophotostructure
fixes this.
Installation instructions
See this for info about subscriptions (including a thank-you discount for alpha testers):